Platform of European genomic and genetic data on oaks
Latest news
- New Quercus datasets available in GD² database (Year 2023, 2022 and 2020) (Tue, 19 Mar 2024 09:00:47 +0100)
- New Pinus pinaster data available in Mapedigree database (NTB - Novel Tree Breeding trial, containing BRC4F-14, BRC4F-18 and BRC4F-19 RARe accessions) (Tue, 30 Jan 2024 09:00:47 +0100)

Quercus Portal provides access to various databases regarding genetic and genomic resources and information. It includes a dynamic user interface allowing the submission of complex queries across all data bases (Global Search). Additionally a static section of the portal is devoted to general information of the genus Quercus.
Quercus Portal is plugged on the Evoltree eLab (electronic Lab) cache system developed by Dieter Kopecky and Johanna Schmidt from the Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. It was constructed within Evoltree (http://www.evoltree.eu/) a large EU-funded Network of Excellence, by members of BIOGECO (Audrey Jacques-Gustave, Antoine Kremer, Thierry Labbé, Melina Millox, Christophe Plomion, Frédéric Raspail, Jean-Paul Soularue, François Ehrenmann).
Quercus Portal, with its integrated information, allows to view genetic and genomic resources using two ways : an access to multiple databases from a single portal and a submission of complex query across all databases, with different concepts to query databases. Databases are regularly supplied and the connection to the Evoltree eLab cache system eases the search for biological relevant responses.
We acknowledge the contributions of Evoltree members who contributed to the construction and updating of the databases: Catherine Bastien, Zamira Betancourt, Noémie Emeriau, François Ehrenmann, Silvia Fluch, Stephan Glaubitzer, Audrey Jacques Gustave, Pauline Garnier-Géré, Véronique Jorge, Dieter Kopecky, Antoine Kremer, Thierry Labbé, Mélina Millox, Christophe Plomion, Frédéric Raspail, Johanna Schmidt, Eva Maria Sehr, Richard Séverin and Jean Paul Soularue. The continuous populating and updating of these repositories benefited also from support of the following projects: GENOAK, MECC, TREEPEACE.